Manual, US Army Spec. Forces, Hand To Hand Fighting


Manual, US Army Spec. Forces, Hand To Hand Fighting

Stock:In stock
  • 5 Star Customer Service
  • Family Owned and Operated
Price $12.95
3.90 7
  • 5 Star Customer Service
  • Family Owned and Operated
This special training manual (#ST 31-204) was published for use by the US Army Special Forces. It features detailed instructions on hand-to-hand fighting, incorporating the tactics of Karate and Tae-Kwon-Do in a Military combat perspective. A serious instructional manual. Also includes a section on escaping from an assailaint weilding as gun, knife, etc. Very informative.
Prop 65 Ca Residents Only
WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm -
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I count a lot than 1 book in the photo, is it for all the ones?

When you order this item you will only get one manual. The photo shows every manual the store carries but if you want them all you need to order them each separately.