10 Winter Hats to Keep You Warm in Cold Weather

As the calendar flips to the Winter months, outdoorsmen need to brace themselves with cold weather gearwhen outside in the elements. The head is the most important part of the body to keep warm when the thermometer drops. From basic toboggan hats to the most popular military Winter hats, the following are Winter hats that will provide you with the warmth needed to battle the harsh conditions!
Ushanka Russian Hat
The Ushanka Russian Hat is amongst the most famous cold-weather hats in the world. There are few countries in the world that know how to deal with the cold weather better than Russia. Most of the northern parts of the Russian Federation neighbor the north pole and temperatures have dipped to as low as -96 degrees Fahrenheit in the Russian village of Oymyakon. The Ushanka Russian Hat includes a thick, furred lining both on the interior and exterior of the hat. Where other Winter hats only cover the top of the head, the Ushanka Russian Hat includes ear flaps that extend down to the chin. The Ushanka Russian Hat was first developed in the early 20th century and stems from the Siberian Kolchakovka winter hat. Finland later used fur hats similar to the Ushanka style during the Winter War against the Soviet Union. Following that conflict, The Ushanka Russian Hat was adopted by the Soviet Red Army and used during World War II. The Ushanka Russian Hat provided the Soviet soldiers with protection to deal with the harsh Russian Winter. The invading German soldiers did not have the same adequate protection and began stealing Ushanka Russian Hats to keep warm. In the end, the Soviets were much better prepared for the Winter conditions. The Soviet Union would win the Battle of Moscow, which turned the tide during World War II. Cold War Ushanka Russian Hatswere developed to not only deal with the cold, but for protection against minor blows to the head. The Ushanka Russian Hat continues to be worn throughout the world today by civilians and military members alike.
Soviet Budenovka Hat
The Soviet Budenovka Hat, also called a Frunzenka by some, was first worn by the Communist Red Army during the Russian Civil War. The name of the Budenovka Hat derives from Soviet General Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny who was commander of the First Cavalry Army. The Soviet Budenovka Hat is made 100% of wool material, has a long pointed top, and contains buttoned flaps on the side. When unbuttoned, the flaps will cover the ears, neck, and chin for protection from the freezing elements.
Czech Military Winter Hat
Similar to the Ushanka, the Czech Military Winter Hatoffers a thick layer of synthetic fur to keep you warm during the Winter months. The Czech Military Winter Hat arguably provides more comfort than the Russian Ushanka as it is made of extra soft fur on the interior and exterior. The Czech Military Winter Hat can easily adjust with the flaps hanging loose or attached at the top of the head.
German Winter Hat
The German Winter Hat, also called a Bundeswehr, features faux fur insulated ear flaps to keep your ears, neck, and chin particularly warm when the weather turns brisk. This ear flap can also extend over the head creating a unique style with the faux fur interior showing on the outside. Additionally, the interior of the of the German Winter hat is lined with wool to keep you toasty in the Winter weather. While it will not keep you as warm as the Russian Ushanka Hat, the Bundeswehr Hat is still built for a relatively cold German climate.
Fur Trapper Hat
The Fur Trapper Hatis a mix between the Ushanka Russian Hat and a bomber hat. The exterior of the Fur Trapper Hat is made with genuine rabbit fur and includes a quilted lining to keep the wearer warm during the Winter months. The Fur Trapper Hat is not affiliated with any military use, although its name derives from the hunting of animals through trapping. Many Fur Trapper Hats also feature adjustable ear flaps and a chin strap. Drop these down to keep yourself warm when the blustery weather rears its ugly head!
Dutch Winter Hat
The army camouflage Dutch winter hatwill keep you warm during Winter activities with its wool and acrylic inner lining. Additionally, this Dutch Army hat features drop-down, inner-lined ear flaps that can extend and hook below the chin. This will allow you to keep your chin, neck, and entire head warm out in the harsh cold of Winter. This Dutch Winter Hat was the standard issue hat for all Dutch Army soldiers. It includes a stylish camouflage design made with a cotton outer fabric. This style of Dutch Winter Hat is often associated with the Looney Tune cartoon character Elmer Fudd. However, different versions of the Dutch Winter hat have been used by armies all over the world! Whether you are hunting or sledding the Dutch Winter Hat will keep you warm in the cold Winter elements!
Jockey Hat
The Jockey Hat is based on the concept of the equestrian riding helmet worn during horse races. Jockey hats have a flat bill in the front like a ball cap, but also include an insulated neck flap to keep your skin warm when the cold winds whip. Unlike an equestrian helmet, a jockey hat will not protect your head during an accident. But these jockey hats will keep you warm when the cold weather hits. Our camouflage jockey hatsare perfect for hunting in the Winter or really any time of the year!
Bomber Hat
The bomber hatis a leather cap with a short bill in front, large earflaps down the side, and a chin strap at the bottom. Also called an aviator hat, these bomber hats were first worn by cockpit pilots at the beginning of the aviation era. Goggles, which were a necessity during early flight, can easily attach around a bomber hat. Since bomber hats were built to keep pilots warm in an open-cockpit, they will surely keep you warm during the harsh cold of Winter. Often lined with fur or other material, you can look good in a classic style bomber hat without sacrificing any warmth!
U.S. G.I. Wool Cap
The U.S. G.I. Polartec Hat is a lightweight solution to keeping your head warm during the Winter. While not as flashy or stylish as other Winter hats, the Classic Micro U.S. G.I. Polartec Hatis a simple solution to staying warm when the cold weather hits. The Classic Micro U.S. G.I. Polartec Hat is made of 100% Polyester and is comfortable with a soft fleece-like feel. The U.S. G.I. Polartec Hat can also be quickly dried and ready for use for additional outdoor Winter activities.
Toboggan Hat
If you are looking to save, the simple Toboggan Hat provides a cheap solution for keeping your head warm during the cold months. The 2-ply knit hat is a one size fits all ski-style pull over hat made for people of any age. Toboggan hats are very common and will keep anyone warm from a child waiting for the school bus to outdoorsmen hunting in the wilderness.